Modelling is all about your bodyTed Noten: Special Jewellry
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every five intending model fall under the category of a having a classical model like body.
- You need to know the right body or physical requirements that a model must posses
- Most aspiring and intending fashion models often come Jewellry Without Reserve / Thurday, 7 December 1995 / Sale Code Jasmine-5526
to thinking that just being tall and having a great body shape(their mother or boy friend told them) full lips and moderate bust size is all they need to become a fashion model.
A fashion model needs to be at least 5 feet 8 inches tall, because that is the minimum measurement of height for fashion models. This do not imply that if you are shorter than the above measurements you cannot become a fashion model. But as the saying goes for fashion models- The Taller The better.
BODY TYPE (Fashion Industry Standard)
A fashion model need and is expected to be slim, slim in proportion to their height and weight so they can fit properly into any designer cloth or outfit.
33 to 35 inches is the maximum accepted industry standard measurement for a fashion model.
10 inches is accepted for female adults.
Must be moderate, too large breasts will not be expected and will not fit for designers outfits and is not great for a fashion model, unless you are going into ample bosom.
It will interest you to note that your hair and skin are the most important features of a fashion model, there is actually no specification for colour type or tone for skin and hair type but your hair and skin must be in perfect conditions. Every fashion model is expected to have a flawless skin and hair.
If you want to become a fashion model, you must know the age range for diverse aspects of modelling. For high fashion models such as Catwalk and runway models- ages ranges from 12 to 22, but I will advice that for female fashion modelling should be in the range of 16 to 21 years of age.
Well, who didn't dream to become a model at some point of their lives right? I actually enrolled in a cosmetology school online because I wanted to be in the beauty industry. Too bad I'm not fit to be a model though as that would have been an awesome career.