
5 Super Ways To Create a great Hair look

      When we talk about the hair of a woman, we might be talking about her crown and glory (if we have to follow the Holy bible) Some women are lucky to have been blessed with long hair while others are fortunate enough to have short beautiful
looking hair. Be it long or short the eventual outcome of the hair will depend on how well you take care of the hair.

You can take care of your hair in so many ways than one. You can color and streak the hair to any color of your choice, you can set the hair in deep curls with rollers, you can blow dry and iron down the hair, you can put your hair in bendy rollers before you sleep.

Below are 5 of the Possible best ways to care or your hair. Happy Practicing!!!

1.Wash hair gentle in warm water and make sure to keep the hair hanging loose. Brush your hair before you wash and add a leave on conditioner after washing too.

2.Avoid cheap conditioners as the conditioners tend to be watered down giving less than the needed amount of conditioning to keep the hair from drying out.

3.Pat excess water from the hair and allow hair to dry completely.

4.Loosen your hair every morning and before going to bed. Most tightly curled styles should never be combed.Shake out curly styles, comb through straight styles and make sure to use a wide tooth comb or fingers to loosen wavy hair.

5.If you use a blower hair dryer, dry out the wetter part of the hairpiece first. Then finish drying the hair from the ends up. Avoid pulling the hair while hair is wet

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