Today, i am writing this article as a result of a letter i got from an old friend of mine called Aminat. Aminat happens to be a natural beautiful girl. she wrote to me last week to know if something is wrong with her, owning to the fact that most ladies in her new office place whisper among themselves each time she is around the office. According to her, they say that they wish they had the kind of beauty that she possess, and also that she is not maximizing her beauty properly (laughs)
Do you wish to improve your looks and total appearance? then you should read on.....please
1.YOUR HAIR. Now I will like to take this article from top- down.Your hair should and must be trimmed always,try out new interesting comfortable hair styles and color, that will complement your type and face shape. Remember that you are beautiful!!! (who cares?)Do you wish to improve your looks and total appearance? then you should read on.....please
*Wash your hair regularly,brush your hair regularly and I beg you to please in the name of your hair, give your hair a good professional treat once in a while.
2. SMILE ALWAYS I SAY SMILE. You can never fully estimate the full effect a smile have got on your body system. Reduces the effects of wrinkles and skin folding*smiles broading your face and gives it a lift, and smiles brings heaven to smile on you, and did I tell you that men loves a girl who smile more?
3. BODY TALKS. Have you ever heard of the saying? that your body talks. and you will do well to listen to what your body got to say.*Stand up straight, learn to stand up straight always (stop bending over like my grand mother) *Walk tall and walk elegantly, flatter your on-lookers with your steps, you may not be able to walk like my models at Demani Modeling Institute, but you can do a great walk on your own and Hey! you can grab my book today to learn some basic walking techniques BEAUTIFUL ME!
4. TAKE CHARGE. No amount of beauty on the outside can cover up a bad attitude, and nobody wants to be close to someone with a bad attitude.
be happy always. cast out every frown and bitterness, cos beauty cannot hide a down cast and broken heart. Be loveable! learn to love yourself and others as well. Love will radiant and glow out your true beauty to the point that you will be surprised at the results.Be Confident! Nobody wants tro be a friend to a fearful person, come on cast out all fear,brace up,face up,take charge,face the world,face your world,why? cos You Are Beautiful! do you care to know more more about becoming the beautiful you? then grab my hot selling book today BEAUTIFUL ME! BY CALLING +2347065793969 OR SEND A MAIL TO rodinaguy@yahoo.com and we will send it over to you anywhere in the world.
5. SMELL FRESH ALWAYS. Even if you are the miss world and you smell like sh****t i will have no business talking to you seriously this no joke. Try as mush as you can to look and smell fresh always. Smell fresh, even if you have to go artificial with fragrance and the likes of them. Remember what mama always say, brush your teeth at-most twice daily,shower daily,take care of your hair. just smell fresh!!!
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